Seeking Care for Common Insect Bite and Sting
The most common insect bites in Florida includes mosquitoes, fleas, mites and fire ants. Sting from bees and wasps are typically defensive attacks. The reaction the bite or sting can range from mild irritation or inflammation to life threatening swelling and difficulty breathing. It is important to know however, that at least 60 people die annually in the US due to sting from bees, hornets and wasps.
Treatment for mild bites and stings is usually supportive. The objective is to alleviate the discomfort.
Spider bites are not very common. In addition, very few spiders have fangs long enough to penetrate the human skin. Typically, the bite occurs when the spider is being crushed inadvertently. Most bites can be treated with supportive care. Bites from Black widow or the Brown Recluse spider can however be deadly.
Reaction from a Black Widow bite may include pain and swelling which can spread to the back, chest and belly. You may also experience chill, sweat and nausea.
The pain from a Recluse bite increases during the first 8 hours of the bite. Sometimes the skin breakdown at the site of the bite, and will require surgical intervention .
If you are having difficulty breathing, or a swollen throat, Report to the Nearest Emergency room immediately!